Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Lesson Learned from Cooper the Dog

I was sitting on the couch last night, after a long, busy day.  Suddenly my dog, Cooper, jumped up on the couch.  He started a couple of feet away, then slowly inched closer.  I figured he wanted his back scratched.  But he kept moving over until his face was literally in mine. And he wouldn't move it! When he knew he had my full attention, he stuck his tongue out. 

That's Cooper talk for "feed me".

I suddenly realized that I had fed him very little for breakfast, nothing the rest of the day, and now it was bedtime.  I asked him if he was hungry, and he happily jumped out of my face, off the couch, and planted himself next to his food and water bowls.  Both of which were empty!

So what does this have to do with floral or gown preservation?

Sometimes all of us have the best intentions, but procrastination kicks in.  Other items start prioritizing themselves to the top of the list, and the the day's "to do" list remains "undone".

It's not unusual for me to get a phone call from someone whose gown is still hanging in the closet, two years after the wedding, repleat with stains on the bodice and road grime stuck to the hem.  And I once had a bride who had kept her flowers in the refrigerator for a full month before finally deciding she couldn't part with them and called for preservation (we ended up replacing most of the flowers and replicating the bouquet).

Unlike Cooper, inanimate objects can't jump in your face and remind you they need to be done!

Kindly remember to add bouquet preservation and gown preservation to your wedding checklist.  Thank you!

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