I don't really want my bouquet on my wall!
We know your bouquet was beautiful. But maybe a bouquet on your wall is just not to your liking. But why not use your flowers in another creative way? Nobody made a rule that says your bouquet has to STAY looking like a bouquet!Take a look at some of the alternatives.
We could provide the same effect (which uses the photograph as the background) in a rectangular domed frame, or as the back of a shadowbox.
A similar look is found in the frame to the left. However, the photo is BEHIND an oval-shaped cutout in the mat.
Shari's original bouquet was tear-drop shaped using a bouquet holder. Using her flowers and greenery, but totally rearranging them, the various shapes and heights of the flowers merge beautifully into the rocky shore at the bottom of the photograph.
Cassie knew from the beginning that she didn't want her flowers to be in their original bouquet shape. In fact, she brought in extra flowers from her table decorations to make sure we could arrange them into the groups you see here.
After sketching the original idea with Cassie during her consultation, we emailed progress prototypes until she was totally pleased!
We invite you to visit our website to see other creative ways to display your beautifuly preserved flowers!
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