Thursday, October 7, 2010

To Trash or Not To Trash, that is the question!

What do you plan to do with your gown after the wedding?

Let's down play the monetary value of the dress for a few minutes and talk about the alternatives.

1.  You can leave it hanging in the garment bag it came in. (This is, of course, assuming that you didn't purchase it from China like a friend of mine did.  Hers came in a cardboard box!).  Pros: it hangs in a closet. Cons: it can yellow...and some zippers can stain the dress over time. (Note: if you DO chose this alternative, at least have it dry cleaned within a reasonable time of the wedding). The garment bag itself can deteriorate over time.

2.  You can have the gown preserved through a reputable company such as the Wedding Gown Preservation Company. (We can help you with this!).  Pros: It is cleaned, treated, and guaranteed not to yellow.  Archival museum-quality storage items are used. It will be just a beautiful if your daughter, friend, or god-child wants to use it years from now. Cons: there is reasonable cost to do this (but you don't have to pay for dry cleaning as well).

3. You can donate the dress to charity.  Aside from the "well known" thrift stores, there are charitable organizations who specialize in wedding & prom dresses for those who are not as financially blessed as others. Pros: possible tax deduction & benefit for someone else.  Obviously an environmentally "green" solution. Cons: you won't have it if a relative wants to use it later on. If your parents paid for the dress, they might want to be the ones to take the possible donation deduction on their taxes. You'll still need to pay to have the dress cleaned before you donate it.

4.  You can re-sell the dress over the internet or at a consignment store. Pros: you get some of your money back. It's a "green" solution. Cons: you still have to have the dress dry cleaned before you can sell it.

5.  You can "Trash the Dress".  This has become an "after-the-honeymoon" party for some newly-married gals.  They get together with their friends at the messiest place possible and have a wow of a party. Some even involve a photographer. Think mud, water, wine, food, rips, get the picture. Pros: If you bought a $99 special, this could be a great get together with your BFF's.  Cons:  If the gown cost a pretty penny, imagine several thousand $$$ going up in smoke (or down in mud!).  (Not to mention the additional cost if you are having professional photography done.)

At the Autumn Wedding Show at Emerald Downs last week, a future bride happened to mention her intention to trash her dress...with her mother standing next to her.  Ooops!  She quickly said that she was "thinking" about it (fast save!), but I imagine that conversation may be coming up again...

Your choice, ladies!  If you have other options, please feel free to comment!

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